Big blacktail in Durban harbour

Big blacktail in Durban harbour

Durban harbour has been producing some excellent fish around the sandbanks over the past few days. Anglers willing to brave the wind were able to record some excellent catches of grunter and big blacktail.

The bay is still riddled with brown ray activity as more and more anglers start to fish for them. Baby squid seems to be the bait of choice for these fish. The good old cracker shrimp should also get you the same result and with a few grunter in between.

With the summer holidays upon us, this is a good time to take the kids down to the wharf and take a walk along some of the open piers. This is a great opportunity to show them the boats and a few fish cruising around. Remember to get yourself a pair of Snowbee Polarised Sunglasses to enable you to get the best view of the fish.

There have been plenty of kingfish around the yachts lately giving the light tackle guys a good fight, as well as plenty of small grunter, blacktail and sand gurnards picking up the ground baits. Anglers have also been reporting smaller shad coming out around the moorings and public slipway.

There have been bigger kingfish caught around the edges of the sandbanks in the yacht mall area, as well as plenty of big perch on slithers of chokka and a Mustad Mosquito number 4 hooks. When rigging a sliding sinker for a running trace, place a rubber bead between the sinker and the swivel. This will stop the sinker from hitting the knot directly and weakening it, this could be the make or break when you are on with a big fish.

(File Photo: Office of the KZN Premier)

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