Berg and Bush marks 'decade of dirt'

Berg and Bush marks 'decade of dirt'

A Drakensberg stage race celebrates ten years since its inception this year.


The Berg and Bush mountain bike event - that offers three racing options - marks a decade in October this year. 

Founder, Gary Green says he was inspired to host the tournament 11 years ago during a cycle race in the Berg with his brother, Andrew.

"While riding along in the race - as an extensive cattle farmer, I realised that there are really nice trails that are formed by the cattle and wildlife on my own farm and my neighbours' farm."

Green says the foothills of the Drakensberg created the perfect environment for mountain biking.

Originally, it was a two-day race with 56 participants. It has since grown to accommodate 2 500 participants across all three races. 

"They attract different types of people. The Two Day is an easier, more social event. It attracts a lot of first timers and a lot of families come. The Descent is where the prize money is given - if you're competitive, you'll come and do that one. 

"The mid-week one - the Great Trek - is for those who enjoy riding bikes in a smaller field. It’s scenic and more relaxed," he says.   

The first trail run on the Berg and Bush route was held at the weekend to help raise funds for the conservation of the oxpecker birds.

The Descent takes place on October 9, followed by the Great Trek on October 13 while the Two-Day takes place from October 17.

Watch a video from the eighth edition of the event below. 

(Photos by Kelvin Trautman, and video from

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