Bartlett awaits fate at Golden Arrows

Bartlett awaits fate at Golden Arrows

Shaun Bartlett will almost definitely be replaced as head coach of Golden Arrows before the club make their PSL return in August.


Bartlett has spoken out about the club’s plans saying that he is waiting for an announcement from management but expects to be overlooked despite gaining automatic promotion with the KwaZulu-Natal-based side.

“At this moment in time I am not waiting anymore, I think that they are probably going with another coach for next season.”

“My contract is until the end of the month. They’re the ones who employ me so they need to make sure they make a statement as to what is happening, whether they are keeping me or getting a new coach.”

Asked whether it left him feeling a little bitter he replied bluntly: “Not really, that’s what you expect in South African football. I would be more surprised if I kept the job.”

(File photo: Gallo Images)

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