Zuma sends condolences to families of Knysna fire victims

Zuma sends condolences to families of Knysna fire victims

The Presidency has scoffed at what it says are fake news reports, claiming that President Jacob Zuma is not concerned by the devastation caused by the Knysna fires.

Jacob Zuma_jacanews
Photo: Samkelo Maseko

Presidential spokesperson, Bongani Ngqulunga, says President Zuma is saddened by the loss of life, displacement of people as a result of the fire and severe weather in parts of the Western Cape.

ALSO READ: Firefighter dies battling Knysna blaze

He says government has provided humanitarian and other support to all affected areas, especially poor communities.

"President Zuma thanks all those who have come forward with support to the affected communities and appeals to those with the means to assist the residents of the Western Cape who have been caught up by the devastating effects of the storm. 

"The Presidency wishes to warn all members of the public to be vigilant against such fake news reports," he said.

Listen to the full bulletin below.

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