Zuma files appeal against IEC decision to remove him from candidate list

Zuma files appeal against IEC decision to remove him from candidate list

The uMkhonto weSizwe Party has appealed to the Electoral Court the decision by the Independent Electoral Commission to remove former president Jacob Zuma from its candidates list. 

Jacob Zuma media briefing Oct 2022

Last week, the IEC upheld an objection to Zuma's candidature, meaning he was disqualified from standing for legislative seats in the upcoming general elections. 

The MK party has accused the IEC of not acting in accordance with the law in dealing with objections to candidates nominated.

Zuma was sentenced to 15 months in jail in June 2021 after refusing to testify to a panel probing financial corruption and cronyism under his presidency.

ALSO READ: IEC upholds Zuma's MK candidacy objection

He was freed on medical parole just two months into his term.

But his jailing sparked protests, riots and looting that left more than 350 dead in South Africa's worst violence since the advent of democracy.

An appeals court later ruled Zuma's release was illegally granted and ordered him back to jail.

On returning to a correctional centre he immediately benefited from a remission of non-violent offenders approved by President Cyril Ramaphosa.

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