Zondo commission hears how Gigaba ‘meddled’ in SAA affairs

Zondo commission hears how Gigaba 'meddled' in SAA affairs

The commission of inquiry into state capture has heard former public enterprises minister Malusi Gigaba's office interfered with the private affairs of South African Airways (SAA).

SAA former CEO Sizakele Mzimela
YouTube: State Capture Commission

It's heard testimony from the state-owned airline's former CEO Sizakele Mzimela.

She was cross-examined by Gigaba on Tuesday.

Dealing with certain parts of her affidavit, Mzimela told the inquiry that it was quiet strange seeing the minister's advisor coming into SAA and requesting confidential documents.

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"It was the first time that we actually had an advisor and my view changed. You must understand, the advisor for me is the advisor for the minister, so when he comes into the environment, I want to believe that he comes with the mandate from the minister.

“And he somehow starts to come into our environment to request information directly which ordinarily we would not have been requested and in that manner."

She had previously told the commission that SAA bosses had been put under pressure to scrap SAA's Johannesburg-Mumbai route.

There were apparently plans to give it to Gupta-linked Jet Airways.

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