YOUNG VOICES: Theo Lengwati

YOUNG VOICES: Theo Lengwati

Theo Lengwati is a 28 year-old entrepreneur from Johannesburg. He wants to transform, modernize and formalize the taxi industry and started Civil Taxis SA to achieve that goal. 

Young Voices - Theo Lengwati
Jacaranda News

Civil Taxi's mission is to revolutionize the industry to the point where it delivers great customer service for commuters, accompanied by a safe and comfortable ride.

"We want taxis to be the preferred means of transport. We want middle and upper class people who drive cars to choose to leave their cars and use minibus taxis. While there are upgrades happening to buses, trains and airlines, we believe the taxi industry is quite behind and we want to bring it into the 21st century" he says.

Lengwati's company also wants to tackle unfair labour practices within the industry. 

Civil Taxis SA is working with two associations in Alexandra. 100 taxis will be part of a new pilot project. 

The taxi drivers are given permanent salaries as well as benefits such as medical aid, funeral cover and disability cover. 

Lengwati says he started the business after experiencing bad service himself, and decided to change things. 

Theo Lengwati 1_jacanews
Theo Lengwati 2_jacanews

Reporter Slindelo Masikane took a taxi ride and found out what makes this young South African tick. 

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