White House slams Trump's Muslim ban comment

White House slams Trump's Muslim ban comment

The White House has condemned Donald Trump's call to ban Muslims from entering the US as "offensive and toxic".

The White House - Twitter

The American presidential hopeful made the comment less than a week after terrorist shootings in California.  

The White House press secretary Josh Earnest said in a briefing Trump's remarks disqualify him from serving as a US president. 

Earnest says the remarks are contrary to what the American Constitution stands for. 

Click here to watch Donald Trump's remarks on Muslims coming to the US.

His remarks prompted international criticism, including from fellow Republican candidates. Texas senator Ted Cruz says the Trump campaign has a "dust-bin of history" quality about it.

"From the vacuous sloganeering to the outright lies to even the fake hair, the question now is about the rest of the Republican party and whether or not they will not be dragged into history with him," he said.

Ken Johnson, an expert on US immigration law, has been speaking to Sky News.

"We have not seen in the United States some kind of immigration laws that were so broad excluding people - it's hard to say how the courts would address it today but I'm pretty confident the courts would strike down an outright ban of all Muslims to the United States," he said. 

(Photo via Twitter/The White House)

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