WATCH: News stories of the week

WATCH: News stories of the week

Making headlines this past week, former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela made her first public appearance since handing over to her successor, Busisiwe Mkhwebane. While on the international front, the race for the US presidency is at it's peak following the final presidential debate. See five top news stories that have made headlines. 

News stories for the week - Newspapers
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Thuli Madonsela in peace talks at Wits 

Former Public Protector Thuli Madonsela made her first public appearance since stepping down from her role in a Peace Accord Meeting alongside former Speaker of the National Assembly Max Sisulu, Nelson Mandela Foundation's Sello Hatang, Bishop Mpumlwana as well as former Cosatu Secretary general Zwelinzima Vavi. During the meeting - a 10pm curfew imposed on the Wits University campus and residences in an effort to prevent late night protests - was lifted in efforts to restore calm to the university.

Addressing the students 'as a mother', Madonsela said that the students' fight for free education was legitimate, but stressed the importance of doing so peacefully. Madonsela received a hero's welcome inside the Solomon Mahlangu Hall after the meeting was moved from the Holy Trinity Church.

Busisiwe Mkhwebane's first appearance as Public Protector

In Mkhwebane's first media briefing as Public Protector, the public servant said that one of the areas of improvement she identified upon taking up the post is that morale at the Public Protector's Office needs to be lifted. During her tenure - Mkhwebane says she will do away with international funding - saying the Office has reportedly received $500‚000 in funds from USAID. Madonsela has since disputed this. Appearing before Parliament's Justice Committee, the newly-elected Public Protector urged the committee to support her office in sourcing funds and vowed that her office would no longer make use of donor funding.

Emphasizing that she is no Thuli - Busisiwe said she would do away with the method of naming investigations. Some iconic names given to investigations include - "the State Capture",  the Nkandla "Secure in Comfort Report" and Eskom's "Who Tampered Report". 

UCT closes doors for 2016 

 With plans to complete the academic programme in January, the University of Cape Town's Health Sciences Department has been the latest faculty to close its doors. In a statement issued by the Dean's Office - all undergraduate programmes from first to third year have been suspended for the year due to ongoing nation-wide protests.  The university has deployed more public order police and private security to monitor the campus and disperse crowds - if necessary. 

Trump vs Clinton 

What's been described as the nastiest presidential race in recent history, the final debate between presidential hopefuls - Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton took place last week with some grave criticisms being hurled in both directions. Donald Trump refused to say that he would respect a Hillary Clinton win next month while the Democrat's chosen candidate suggested Russian President Vladimir Putin wanted a "puppet" in the White House.

With a 12-point lead - the latest poll results show Clinton at 50% support in comparison to Trump's 38%. Election Day falls on November 9. In one of the key moments from the debate as seen below - Trump says he'll react to the results once they're tallied.

SA's imminent exit from the ICC  

South Africa is one of two African countries ( Burundi is the other) who plan to withdraw from the International Criminal Court that's established in order to try the world's worst crimes. Last year, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visited the country during the African Union Summit despite facing an arrest warrant issued by the court over alleged war crimes. A high court then ruled that SA government's failure to arrest Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir was inconsistent with its constitutional duties. While President of the Assembly of state parties to the ICC founding treaty, Sidiki Kaba, has appealed to both countries to reconsider their decision. 

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