WATCH: Mop up operations at Umbilo River after disastrous oil spill

WATCH: Mop up operations at Umbilo River after disastrous oil spill

Clean up operations are continuing at Umbilo River in Bellair - where thousands of litres of crude oil has spilled. 

Umbilo River oil speak
Lauren Beukes

The Department of Environmental Affairs suspected it's been caused by the theft of crude oil from Transnet pipes.

The air at the spill site is thick with the overwhelming smell of the crude oil. 

A crew has been working throughout the night to clean it up. 

Their overalls and protective gear are soiled from wading in the spill and shovelling the oil into hundreds of bags. 

They've also created a barrier to try and stop the oil from spreading further in the river.

Local environmental activist, Desmond D'sa was told about the spill and visited the site on Tuesday to find the clean up crew already hard at work. Authorities were also alerted.


The cause of the spill is still being investigated and the Environmental Affairs Department has opened a criminal case.

There are concerns about the health impact this will have on a nearby special needs school and a local hospital. 

The MEC will on Wednesday afternoon visit the Durban Harbour Canal to assess the clean operations. 

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