WATCH: Durban under fire as more protests erupt

WATCH: Durban under fire as more protests erupt

A municipal bus and several vehicles have been set alight by protestors - after violent demonstrations led to the closure of the busy route between Umgeni Road and Westville on Monday morning.

M19 protests intensifies

Durban Metro Police say about 600 people are protesting over service delivery issues - including electricity and housing. 

The M19's littered with burning debris. For now, it remains a no-go area for motorists. 

The police's Parboo Sewpersad says it appears the unrest began when eThekwini Municipality cut off electricity in the informal settlement - as part of a clampdown on illegal connections. 

He says this isn't the only protest this morning. 

"We have had further reports of another protest action and roads blocked on the M25. 

"The entrance to KwaMashu on Malandela Road has been blocked of by about also 600 protesters and they are also volatile. 

"We are not aware of what the reason is, and we have called in for more reinforcement to the M19 and M25 in the vicinity of Malandela Road." 

The M19 protesters have targeted the Reservoir Hills Mall. A group of looters has stormed the Checkers Liquor store. 

That confirmation's come through from Durban Metro Police, who say that demonstrators smashed the shop's front doors, before raiding the shelves.  A case of public violence has been opened. 

bus torched in durban protest
car torched in durban protest
police van damaged in durban protest
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