Video: UKZN Westville Campus residence gutted by fire

Video: UKZN Westville Campus residence gutted by fire

A case of arson is being investigated after a student residence at University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN's) Westville Campus was set alight. 

Video: UKZN's Westville Campus residence gutted by fire

The institution's management says the campus security and police were alerted to the fire at Oval Residence in the early hours of Monday morning. No injuries were reported. 

UKZN says the building had been out of bounds for about three weeks after it was shut due to safety concerns.

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Student Representative Council (SRC) President, Sifiso Simelane has condemned the actions.

"We are not in support of it, that is a criminal act and honestly speaking it's very traumatic that we have people who will burn down a building. We are very disappointed and we are very shocked." 

UKZN has instituted a forensic investigation to assist the police. The university says they are still accessing the damage caused.  

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