Ukraine says 10 'torture rooms' found in recaptured region

Ukraine says 10 'torture rooms' found in recaptured region

Ukraine said on Friday it had discovered at least 10 locations in territory recaptured from Russian forces in the east of the country that had been used for torture.

Ukrainian troop ride a tank on a road of the eastern Ukrainian region of Donbas on June 21, 2022, as Ukraine says Russian shelling has caused "catastrophic destruction" in the eastern industrial city of Lysychansk, which lies just across a river from

As Ukrainian troops have retaken swathes of territory in the north east, officials have said they feared discovering Russian war crimes in newly-liberated areas.

"I can talk about the presence of at least 10 torture centres in settlements" in the Kharkiv region, Ukraine's police chief Igor Klymenko said during a briefing, the Interfax news agency reported.

He said "two torture centres were found in Balakliya", a town in the northeast.

Klymenko also said authorities had opened 204 criminal cases probing possible war crimes committed by Russian forces over the past week.

Meanwhile, AFP journalists saw hundreds of graves in a forest next to the recaptured city of Izyum, after Kyiv announced the discovery of mass burial sites.

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