Thuli Madonsela to bow out as Public Protector today

Thuli Madonsela to bow out as Public Protector today

Thuli Madonsela's seven-year tenure as Public Protector comes to an end today. Her time in office was plagued mainly by battles with ANC MPs on her perceived obsession with prosecuting President Jacob Zuma.

Thuli Madonsela
Jacaranda FM News

Madonsela's report on Zuma's R246-million Nkandla homestead drew the attention of many, particularly for finding that Zuma's family had unduly benefited and that he needed to pay back the money. 

Being dependent on government funding through the Treasury, Madonsela appeared to have ''bitten the hand that fed her''. 

But she evidently soldiered on, highlighting the importance of upholding the rule of law. So as Madonsela leaves office today, she was expected to depart with a 'fiery parting shot' by releasing a preliminary report on her findings into the alleged state capture.

ALSO READ:  Madonsela goes ahead with state capture probe despite Zuma's plea

However, those plans were thwarted yesterday afternoon, when Zuma applied for an urgent court interdict to stop her from doing so. It's now up to incoming Public Protector, Busisiwe Mkhwebane to take up the baton from Madonsela.

Meanwhile, all eyes will be on Madonsela to see whether she releases her report on state capture today. Her office says she's still consulting her lawyers after it emerged President Zuma and Minister of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs Minister - Des van Rooyen will try and get an interdict to stop her from releasing the report. 

Her spokesperson, Oupa Segalwe said late last night there was still no decision on whether she would release it. 

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