Specialists dispatched to torched Durban chemical plant

Specialists dispatched to torched Durban chemical plant

Minister of Environment, Forestry, and Fisheries Barbara Creecy has dispatched a team of specialists to the UPL chemical facility near Durban.

UPL Chemical Plant in Cornubia burning factory Durban SA Unrest
Nokukhanya N Mntambo

The facility, which stores hazardous chemicals, was torched last week during the looting and unrest in the province.

"The team will support the ongoing efforts to address the pollution impacts resulting from the burning of the UPL warehouse, containing bulk supplies of herbicides, fungicides, and pesticides," says the department’s Albi Modise.

READ: Wear a mask and stay indoors, says toxicologist amid acrid smell in Cornubia

"The objective of this team will be to provide on-the-ground support and assistance to the KZN EDTEA and the eThekwini Municipality. The priority at this stage is to ensure that impacts are mitigated and that the containment measures are effective.”

The team, which is expected to arrive at the plant on Thursday has a range of skills, including epidemiology, enforcement, and compliance.

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