South Beach shootout: Cops won’t stop keeping province safe, says Mkhwanazi

South Beach shootout: Cops won’t stop keeping province safe, says Mkhwanazi

South Beach shootout: Cops won’t stop keeping province safe, says Mkhwanazi 

Building at South Beach shootout Sept '24

Police shot and killed six murder suspects in South Beach in Durban on Tuesday morning.  

They're understood to have been linked to the weekend murders of four people in Marianhill, and three men in Mpumalanga Township. 

Speaking after the shootout in the Point area, Mkhwanazi said criminals who terrorise their communities must be dealt with by the law.

”So you go and interview the community, the majority of them are going to be excited, or at least heave a sigh of relief because the people who were terrorising them are no longer around. 

“Not to say it is a good thing for them to die, but as long as we act within the law.” 


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