Shallcross 'Tiger' Sighting Stirs Panic

Shallcross 'tiger' sighting stirs panic

This week, fear spread across Shallcross, in the south of Durban, after word spread that a tiger was on the loose.

Shallcross Tiger

But emotions have since softened after it turned out the large striped cat was a stuffed, plush, life-size toy.

Shallcross CPF Chairperson, Vishal Lachman says a voicenote from a resident who said she had spotted a tigress and her cubs on Madho Road set off the panic.

"Her voice sounded very concerned and scared. We immediately sent out responders and requested photos to confirm the sighting. What triggered the panic was when we had a local security company confirm that there was a tiger."

" The first thing that went through my head was if there was a mother and children. Where is the father? A few brave members from our community and security company went into the bush and then realised it was not a real tiger but a teddy bear," said Lachman.

Lachman has praised those who responded.

"It looks real to be quite honest. It's quite a big teddy bear. If you look from a distance, it does look real. We must applaud the community, our security providers, patrollers and responders for acting so swiftly. In under 10 minutes, everything had transpired. We must give credit to the resident for being observant. Especially observing the bushes around her."

Listen to the full interview with Shallcross CPF Chairperson, Vishal Lachman

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