Search for woman who abandoned baby continues

Search for woman who abandoned baby girl continues

Ntuzuma police are still searching for a woman who abandoned her 11-month-old baby over the weekend.

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 The baby girl was taken to a police station by a man, who alleged that the child was abandoned in KwaMashu's J Section.

 The child was handed over to KZN Social Development.

 "According to a report that we have received, the child is doing really well and she's being taken care of. In terms of tracing the mother, it will be the work of the police.

 We are hoping that the mother will be found. The child is currently in a place of safety."

 The department's Mhlabunzima Memela's praised the police woman and her colleagues who went beyond the call of duty to care for the baby.

 ''We saw it on social media where the police officer carried the little child. We want to appreciate and applaud that police officer as a responsible mother. The role that she played in ensuring that the child was safe."

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