SA's new salt legislation comes into effect today

SA's new salt legislation comes into effect today

New legislation to reduce the amount of salt in processed foods kicks in today.  


All food manufacturers of products like bread, spreads, processed meats and savoury snacks, need to abide to new salt levels and cut the amount of salt found in these commonly consumed foods. 

The Heart & Stroke Foundation says on average, South Africans eat double the recommended daily salt limit of 5-grams a day. 

Dietician & Human Nutritionist at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Suna Kassier says most of the salt we consume is not what we add to our food. 

She says statistics show that nearly 6-million South Africans suffer from high blood pressure. At least 10% of children have hypertension.

"And in other words, having a high blood pressure is not just associated with adults but also is very prevalent amongst our children. With this salt legislation coming into being, it will definitely contribute towards lowering the blood pressure of the average South African," she said. 

(File photo)

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