Sanral to resume toll fee collection at oThongathi, uMvoti toll plazas

Sanral to resume toll fee collection at oThongathi, uMvoti toll plazas

The South African National Roads Agency says it's ready to resume toll fee collections at the N2 oThongathi and uMvoti toll plaza.

Gerda De Sousa

This decision was made after lengthy discussions with the KZN government, mayors, business chambers taxi and traditional councils early this month.

Sanral put the brakes on toll fee collections after the devastating April floods. 

Since then, access to the R102 has been fully restored. 

The M4's been reopened except for a portion near the Tongaat River Bridge.

READ: Sanral suspends payment of some toll fees in KZN

The roads agency said in a statement that, to date, it has lost in the region of 500 million rand, after suspending toll fee payments for motorists at these two tolls.

Sanral's Eastern Regional Manager - Dumisani Nkabinde - says they need to start collecting fees again to maintain our national roads.

Toll fee collections at uMvoti and oThongathi will resume on Saturday, the 1st of April. 

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