SAHRC told there was no cooperation between SANDF, police during unrest

SAHRC told there was no cooperation between SANDF, police during unrest

Former Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula says there was no cooperation between the South African National Defence Force and KwaZulu-Natal provincial SAPS team during the unrest.

Former Defence Minister Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula 22 nov
YouTube: South African Human Rights Commission

She appeared before the South African Human Rights Commission on Monday, which is holding hearings into the violence that rocked the province as well as Gauteng in July.

She said she had some challenges with KZN police commissioner Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi during the rioting.

"The issues he started raising with us had absolutely nothing with what was happening in KZN at the time they had everything with other issues which we as the JCPS cluster ministers had not approved for the police to do.

"He was pushing our backs against the wall, like if you had approved that I get the grabbers, the police would have been able to pick up this information.

"But the people who have a responsibility of collecting, intercepting communication, it is the mandate of state security." 

Mapisa-Nqakula said a day after the start of the July riots there were no soldiers deployed because there were no intelligence reports. 


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