SAHRC to release KZN water report on Monday

SAHRC to release KZN water report on Monday

The spotlight will be on KZN's water woes on Monday.  

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The South African Human Rights Commission will publish the findings of its investigation into various issues brought to the fore by residents.


It launched an inquiry into hundreds of complaints about shortages, pollution, and water quality failures. 


The commission also looked into whether service providers violated people's right to access clean water.


The drought-hit uThukela District Municipality has been severely affected. 

 READ: Bluff water to be restored by Tuesday

The DA's uThukela chairperson, Thys Janse van Rensburg, says he has seen the preliminary report. 


"We can see from the findings and recommendations from the SAHRC that government has failed KZN and also in the last 20 years it speaks of huge issues surrounding infrastrucure, management, lack of planning and capacity and then it touches on the concern around water tankers used extensively and how it crowds out the actual investment in capital projects in water. "

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