SAHRC calls for end to rotational learning at primary schools

SAHRC calls for end to rotational learning at primary schools

The South African Human Rights Commission says there is currently no need for the country's primary schools to run on a rotational timetable.

COVID-19 schools mask

It says the measure was introduced, earlier this year, during stricter lockdown regulations to stem the spread of Covid-19. But with fewer infections being observed in schools.

Commissioner for Education Andre Gaum has called for an end to rotational learning saying it can have a long-lasting negative effect on children. 

He says some schools have applied for rotational learning in 2022.

"There is indeed a reduced transmission and virus acquisition rate amongst teachers and learners in primary schools.

“The majority of teachers have been vaccinated and due to the low acquisition risk profile of primary school learners. The commission agrees with the Ministerial Advisory Committee that primary schools should open at full capacity.”


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