Safety expert: Kids up to nine-years-old should still use car seats

Safety expert: Kids up to nine-years-old should still use car seats

 A child car seat expert says children up to the age of nine should still be strapped in a car seat when inside a moving vehicle.

Father putting child in car seat
Father putting child in car seat/ Supplied

With it being Child Passenger Safety month, East Coast Radio Traffic spoke to Mohammed Kaka of Maxi Cosi Child restraints about the importance of buckling up our little ones.

"You might decide to just go around the corner to your nearest shop, but this is where most collisions happen…they happen close to home. 

"It is important to always have your little one in a car seat, even if it is just going to your nearest corner shop, and that's the awareness we are trying to bring to the community of KwaZulu-Natal is to always buckle your young one in."

For more tips on key factors like ensuring if the seat belt is sitting correctly or the correct seat size is according to the height of your child, listen to the podcast below.

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