Robert Mugabe confined to his home

Robert Mugabe confined to his home

President Jacob Zuma has revealed that Zimbabwean president Robert Mugabe is confined to his home. 

Robert Mugabe

Zuma, in his capacity as chair of SADC, is sending special envoys to Zimbabwe and Angola in an attempt to quell the unfolding political tension. 

He says he will send the Minister of Defence and Military Veterans, Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, and the Minister of State Security, Bongani Bongo, to Zimbabwe to meet with Mugabe and the Zimbabwean Defence Force.  

The South African president says he has spoken with Mugabe, who has indicated that he is fine.  

"The Special Envoys will also be sent to the Republic of Angola to the Republic of Angola to see President Joao Lourenco, Chairperson of the SADC Organ on Politics, Defence and Security to brief him on the situation."

Zuma reiterates his call for calm and restraint.

Military vehicles blocked roads outside the Zimbabwean parliament on Wednesday.

It comes after army generals denied staging a coup but used state TV to vow to target "criminals" close to President Robert Mugabe, AFP reports.

Zimbabwe correspondent, Zenzele Ndebele, says from what's happening on the ground, it looks like the military is definitely in charge. 

Ndebele says reports are emerging of a number of arrests.

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