Risk of load shedding high today

Risk of load shedding high today

Eskom has warned that the risk of load shedding is high from as early as 06:00 until 22:00 after some of its units tripped yesterday evening and this morning.

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The power utility said this caused a shortage of generation capacity, increasing the risk of load shedding.

Eskom also warned against the excessive use of air conditioners and pool pumps amid hot weather conditions across the country. It urged electricity users to consider energy efficient ways of keeping cool.

South African consumers have only experienced load shedding for just over two hours in the last 61 days.

Eskom said load shedding was only implemented as a necessary measure to protect the power system and to ensure that maintenance was carried out in order to guarantee that its supply of electricity can be maintained in the long term.

Tips to keep cool

Eskom advised consumers to optimise heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) with the following ten easy steps:

1. Adjust blinds and curtains in rooms that receive direct sunlight. This helps to keep rooms cool and postpone switching on air-conditioners.

2. Close windows while air-conditioners are running.

3. Don’t cool empty space. Only switch on air-conditioners when rooms are occupied.

4. Switch off units 30 minutes before leaving the office.

5. Set air-conditioners’ average temperature in summer at 23°C.

6. Create awareness amongst employees and individuals responsible for the control of HVAC systems that are not controlled via a building management system.

7. Conduct proper maintenance to ensure all HVAC system components are intact and work efficiently, including motors, pumps, fans, compressors, ducting and filters.

8. Consider replacing old systems. New, energy efficient systems offer enhanced control functionality and higher levels of energy efficiency.

9. Use air-conditioner fans to draw in and circulate cool air from outside during early morning hours.

10. Set air-conditioners to circulate cool air instead of drawing in warmer air from the outside.

(File photo: Gallo Images)

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