PSA to challenge 'disproportional' vetting of civil servants

PSA to challenge 'disproportional' vetting of civil servants

The Public Servants Association has raised objections to stringent vetting processes for people applying to work as civil servants, saying the process is not entirely necessary. 

Public Servants Association PSA

The measures were recently gazetted by the Public Service and Administration Minister. 


Normally, only those applying for senior positions are subjected to strict checks.


The PSA Claude Naicker says while they support the idea of a corrupt-free workforce, such vetting should be in proportion to the position in question. 


Naicker say they'll be challenging the process.


"However, using a vetting process, say for a cleaner, where you investigate his financial background and credit history does not make sense. 


"I would welcome if somebody works in a financial section of an institution in the public service, say in procurement, but for a cleaner or an administrative clerk who does not deal with any financial situations, I think it will be cumbersome and time-consuming."

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