Probe into Queensmead factory fire

Probe into Queensmead factory fire

Investigators were on Wednesday trying to figure out how a fire started in a factory at Queensmead Industrial Park, south of Durban.

Queensmead factory fire

" The one that caught alight went up rapidly and that was all the products that were burning," said eThekwini Fire's Jesse Yasudas. 

A manufacturing plant that houses recycled oil, went up in flames on Downie Road yesterday. Around 25 firefighters worked for several hours to extinguish the blaze. 

Yasudas says no one was hurt.

"There was lots of smoke in the air. There was an adjacent building that the fire spread to in the same property. Fortunately, that building wasn't occupied and didn't have much content in it. 

"The neighbouring building, we had to get water in fast to prevent spread to it due to large flames and heat pushing towards it. We managed to get in on time to stop that spread."

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