Police must monitor trucks on Field's Hill: taxi owner

Police must monitor trucks travelling along Field's Hill: Taxi boss

A taxi owner whose vehicle was among those involved in this morning's Field's Hill crash in Pinetown - says he puts the blame squarely on the shoulders of the truck driver and traffic officials. 

Derrick Nala
Steve Bhengu

Derrick Nala's minibus taxi, which was fully-loaded with passengers, was among several vehicles into which a heavy goods truck ploughed - when it failed to stop at the traffic light. 

ALSO READ: UPDATE: Recovery underway on Field's Hill after truck crash

UPDATE: Recovery underway on Field's Hill after truck crash
Steve Bhengu

Nala says as the taxi industry - they have been calling for an end to heavy goods trucks travelling along Field's Hill.

"On this Sunday that just passed, we had a mass meeting here commemorating the death of the people [involved in] the accident. After three days, we've just had another accident of the same nature. The government and the police authorities are failing us to help us with the monitoring of the trucks going down Field's Hill," he said.

In September 2013 - 24 people where killed when a truck's brakes failed - causing it to crash into several vehicles, including fully-loaded minibus taxis.

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