Police hunt for killer of 11-year-old Owesihle Mdlalose

Police hunt for killer of 11-year-old Owesihle Mdlalose

KZN police are still trying to piece together evidence surrounding the death of a child in Newcastle.

Crime Scene
Steve Bhengu

Owesihle Mdlalose was found murdered last week.

Police were called to a home in Madadeni's section five last Thursday after the body of the 11-year-old girl was discovered.

She had been stabbed multiple times. SAPS spokesperson Jay Naicker says a neighbour found the child in the bedroom.

"She lives in the close proximity to the house where she was found. The suspect in the matter is on the run, detectives are hot on the heels of the suspect,” Naicker said.

A case of murder has been opened at Madadeni SAPS.

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