Phaahla: Govt to keep eye on lockdown levels through festive season

Phaahla: Govt to keep eye on lockdown levels through festive season

With daily Covid-19 cases on the rise and the country well into the fourth wave of infection, the Health Minister has explained why government has kept the country on adjusted alert level 1.

Health Minister Joe Phaahla media briefing 30 Sept
Screengrab: YouTube: GovernmentZA

During a briefing on Friday morning, Minister Joe Phaahla said there had been extensive consultations before the decision was taken to stay with the restrictions that are currently in place.


"To study the situation further, looking at the rapid rise of infection rate, balancing that with the fact that a few people were actually in proportion needing hospital admission and also less of the people needing high care and oxygen so with all those factors, the view was to come back with more information.”


Phaahla was asked why the announcement did not come from President Cyril Ramaphosa, who is self-isolating in Cape Town after contracting COVID-19. 

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"It was not the change in terms of the level and status. No new admendements or restrictions were decided. The decision was to keep the status quo. The view of the presidency is that the health ministry should handle this because we are not announcing any changes.”


Meanwhile, Ramaphosa is said to be recovering well and in good spirits.


In a statement, the Presidency says he's receiving treatment for mild symptoms and being monitored by a medical team from the South African National Defence Force.


Ramaphosa has again urged people to get vaccinated and observe health and safety protocols.


He says it will help save lives, reduce hospital admissions and keep businesses open.

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