Parliament chairperson condemns scuffles during sittings

Parliament chairperson condemns scuffles during sittings

National Assembly House Chairperson, Thoko Didiza, is expected to rule on Wednesday on the scuffles that erupted in Parliament on Tuesday afternoon.

Thoko Didiza
Image courtesy: Parliament

President Cyril Ramaphosa was busy with an oral question-and-answer session in the National Assembly when it descended into physical scuffles amongst MPs.

The first argument ensued between Democratic Alliance (DA) and Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) members.

The DA referred to the EFF as "VBS looters", with EFF leader Julius Malema retaliating by calling the DA racists.

EFF's spokesperson Mbuyiseni Ndlozi trolled home Affairs Minister Malusi Gigaba.

Ndlozi asked Ramaphosa if Cabinet members should be issued phones without cameras.

It was seen as a referral to the sex video allegedly stolen from Gigaba's phone and leaked to social media.

Gigaba caused a stir both in parliament and on social media when he responded to the EFF from his bench in Parliament, by showing his pinkie finger to Ndlozi. He later apologised on Twitter.

A heated exchange took place when Agang's Andries Tlouamma got into a fist fight with EFF's Nazier Paulsen.

Didiza condemned MPs' behaviour and apologised to the President.

"None of us can be proud of what happened here today. We owe it to one another to be respectful," said Didiza.

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