No classes at KZN schools used as polling stations

No classes at KZN schools used as polling stations

The KZN Education Department says it’s advised schools being used as polling stations in the general elections to suspend teaching for a week.

Classroom desks
Classroom desks/ Canva

The department says some of these schools will be handed over to the IEC on Monday, which means academic activities will be put on hold. 

It's in the interest of safety.

The department's spokesperson Muzi Mahlambi says electoral officials may need access to the schools before and after the polls.

Mahlambi says the pause in learning shouldn’t affect the academic program, as each school has its own recovery plan in place. 

The department says the June exams scheduled to take place week after the elections will be pushed back to give pupils time to catch up on their school work.

"IEC material is sensitive material, we don’t want our educators and our leaners to be around and interfere. There are some voting districts that have been identified as high-risk areas.” 

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