New Finance Minister should emulate Nene: Cosatu

New Finance Minister should emulate Nene: Cosatu

Cosatu is unhappy with the sacking of Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene who has been replaced by little-known ANC back-bencher, David van Rooyen.

nhlanhla nene- gallo
File photo: Gallo Images

In a lengthy statement, the trade union federation says Nene's removal comes at a time when the economy is on its knees and haemorrhaging jobs across all sectors.

Spokesperson Sizwe Pamla says what is needed is stability, continuity and the experience that Nene provided.

Pamla says while the new Minister should be given a chance, there are certain government programmes that Cosatu is opposed to and these should not be touched by Van Rooyen.

"We're totally opposed to the nuclear deal. So, we don't expect this new minister to come and change that. There's expectation to continue where Nene left off by putting a moratorium on authorising the nuclear deal. 

"Secondly, we also think the minister needs to continue where Nene left off in terms of dealing with parastatals that are engaged in controversial procurements, like South African Airways and Prasa," he said. 

(File photo: Gallo Images)

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