N2 protests: Roadway now open, traffic moving freely - police

N2 protests: Roadway now open, traffic moving freely - police

Metro Police say they have removed the Durban Transport busses from key routes in Durban.

Protest action on N2
ECR traffic

This after disgruntled bus drivers put the brakes on motorists' travel plans - blocking access to key routes with their vehicles for several hours during peak Monday morning traffic. 

READ: N2 protest action brings traffic to a standstill

Protest hotspots included Kwa-Mashu, Spaghetti Junction on the N2 south, the Umgeni Road onramp from the N2 south and Queen Nandi Drive, north of Durban.

Metro police spokesperson, Parboo Sewpersad says: "The roadway is now opened, traffic is moving freely. 

"We are waiting to escort the buses under police instructions and police procedures to the depot. It is believed that there's been a long stand issue between the driver and the municipality."

A motorist who got off the N2 says she witnessed the police removing the busses. 

"There were security guards that were directing traffic. There were boulders on the road, so you kind to navigate your way through. 

"I joined the N2 and there were buses on the road, but they were being towed away. Other than that, the road was fairly clear."

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