Mzwandile Masina resigns as ANC councillor in Ekurhuleni

Mzwandile Masina resigns as ANC councillor in Ekurhuleni

The Ekurhuleni chairperson Mzwandile Masina has tendered his resignation as a councillor. 

Mzwandile Masina
Mazwai Zwai

Masina's resignation was confirmed by the ANC in Gauteng on Thursday afternoon.

Spokesperson Lesego Makhubele says Masina's decision to step aside follows a meeting of the party's provincial working committee on Monday.

"The provincial working committee received a report from the officials of the ANC in the province, who met with the regional chairperson of the ANC in Ekurhuleni, comrade Mzwandile Masina, regarding what transpired at the Ekurhuleni metropolitan council meeting earlier this month.

"The officials provided a report that comrade Mzwandile Masina will offer a public apology to members of the ANC and also that he has voluntarily decided to resign as a councillor representing the ANC in the Ekurhuleni council." 

Masina has been under pressure since a bungled motion of no confidence in Ekurhuleni Mayor Tania Campbell.

He was instructed by the party to withdraw the motion against Campbell, but defied the party's decision. 

The motion failed and saw Campbell reinstated as the city's first citizen.

It is unclear where Masina will be headed next - although he has been nominated as the ANC's treasurer-general at the upcoming elective conference. 

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