My husband would be proud of me: Denise Ganas

My husband would be proud of me: Denise Ganas

The widow of Durban man, Nathan Ganas expects to hear from Momentum today following the insurer's announcement that it will pay his family the equivalent of his life policy.

Insurance policy papers
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Denise Ganas says her husband would be happy to know that they are going to be looked after.

"I think my husband would have been so proud of me. What he wanted for this family when he was gone was for us to be taken care of. To have that financial [security] and be stress free," she said.

NOW READ: Momentum to pay out life policy to Shallcross family

Nathan Ganas was shot dead during a hijacking outside his Shallcross home last year.

The story was thrust into the spotlight at the weekend. The Saturday Independent reported that Momentum would not pay the claim because Nathan had not disclosed high blood sugar levels before taking out the policy.

The decision sparked outrage on social media and South Africans from across the country came out in support of the family.

Momentum has since implemented a solution to assist victims of violent crime. The company says it will now pay an amount equal to the death benefit, limited to R3-million.
"We have created a solution that will pay an amount equal to the death benefit (limited to a maximum of R3 million) in the case of violent crime, regardless of previous medical history. This will apply to all existing as well as future life cover clients," the company said in a statement.

"This payout will be fully funded from Momentum’s profits and not from our clients’ premiums. The guarantee will pay out when the death was a direct result of violent crime, even when material medical non-disclosure impacts the legitimacy of the contract. The payout is not in addition to the normal death benefit. It only applies in circumstances when the death benefit will not be payable or has been reduced," it continued.

Denise says the payout will help the family survive.

"My husband was like the breadwinner. He did so much and when he passed away it was very stressful for me," she said.

"With one person's salary, today one salary is not going to make enough, it has been very difficult."

Denise said she had started to think of new living arrangements and downsizing.

"I would have to take my children out of school and put them somewhere else, depending on where I relocated."

Listen to the full interview between Newswatch's Shaun Ryan and Denise Ganas below:

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