Msunduzi urges unregistered businesses to come forward

Msunduzi urges unregistered businesses to come forward

Msunduzi says a recent audit has shown there's a large number of unregistered businesses operating in the city. 

pietermaritzburg / pexels
pietermaritzburg / pexels

"The municipality is urging the public and business people to come forward and ensure that their businesses are registered and that they are in compliant with the by-laws," says the municipality's Ntobeko Mkhize. 

Mkhize says Msunduzi is struggling to collect millions from businesses owing them for services rendered by the city. 

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Another issue they have picked up is that some establishments have been flouting the city's health by-laws. 

"You find that there are saloons that are operating in the CBD but there is also food that is being made in the same saloon or right next to it and there were summons that were issued as well as notices that were issued,” says Mkhize. 

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