Mother of scalded toddler wants justice

Mother of scalded toddler wants justice

The mother of a 17-month-old Wartburg toddler that was scalded with boiling water says she wants justice for her daughter. 

crime scene.PNG
Wikimedia commons

It's alleged on 21 September the little girl was burnt by her uncle, after he had a disagreement with his mother - the grandmother of the child -in the Odlameni area. 

KZN SAPS are investigating a case of assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm- no arrest has been made. 

The mother-who asked to remain anonymous says what her brother did to her child, has left both a permanent psychological and physical scar on her baby.

"I'm very hurt by what my brother did. I know he would sometimes get aggressive when he doesn't get what he wants, but we did not think he will hurt the child for R50" she said.

"I just want justice for my child", the mother said.

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