More education needed surrounding teenage suicide

More education needed surrounding teenage suicide

A Durban-based child rights organisation has raised questions over what it says is the lack of awareness on teen suicide in the country.

Depressed teenager
A depressed teenager in dark room

Operation Bobbi Bear believes not enough is being done to educate young people and parents about the risk factors.

Teen Suicide Prevention Week is observed every year.

It's aimed at educating the public about the warning signs of depression which can lead to suicide among teenagers.

The organisation's founder, Jackie Branfield, said the government can do more to highlight the issue. 

READ: SADAG urges parents to talk about depression with their children

"I don't think the government has even started to address suicide of all ages in this country, particularly for teenagers. Our kids are growing up with no hope and they seeing everything that is happening with the people who govern our country, that bashes heir hopes and their dreams," she said. 

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