Mkhize unveils strategy to protect frontliners

Mkhize unveils strategy to protect frontliners

The Health Minister says health workers in the country continue to face violence, stigma and physical and emotional stress in their work environments.

Zweli Mkhize
Image courtesy: GCIS

Zweli Mkhize has revealed the national strategy - which aims to protect frontliners - who've been hard at work since South Africa's COVID-19 outbreak began in March.

The strategy aims to protect the physical health of health workers through the prevention and mitigation of COVID-19 infections by providing a safe physical environment. 

It also seeks to promote mental health of health workers through psychological support and to provide necessary social support. 

It focuses on educating and training health workers to manage COVID-19 cases and implement occupational health and safety protocols. 

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It recognises the importance of communication among health workers.

The strategy incorporates key infection prevention and control provisions that protect the physical health of health workers. 

These include patient placement, sufficient ventilation in facilities, hand hygiene, environmental cleaning and wearing of personal protective clothing appropriate to the task being performed. 

Speaking on World Patient Day today Mkhize stressed looking after healthcare workers in vital for patient safety. 

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