Minister van Rooyen reacts to State of Capture Report

Minister van Rooyen reacts to State of Capture Report

Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Des van Rooyen has reacted to the Public Protector's State of Capture Report.

Des van Rooyen_gcis
The Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta) Minister Des van Rooyen. GCIS

Van Rooyen has indicated that he will study the report thoroughly before commenting on it.

In a statement, the minister says he has noted the report that was released yesterday as ordered by the court and that he will study the report together with his legal team.

"As such, the Minister will at this stage not make comments on all issues that arises from the report until at an appropriate time," the statement read.

Meanwhile the report has been widely commented on with civil rights groups, political parties as well as struggle stalwarts who have joined in the call for President Jacob Zuma to step down.

ALSO READ: Save SA: Zuma must go

Political analyst, Somadoda Fikeni says that there is no doubt that the release of the report is a legal and moral victory for opposition parties.

"It is also another blow for the president, who has an impressive record of losing cases," Fikeni said.

He added that the state's legal advisors ought to be scratching their heads.

"This is a reputationally damaging experience - when you limp from one court loss to another at a cost," he told Jacaranda FM News.

Fikeni says the defence of the president by the ANC's National Executive Committee is fading away due to continuous embarrassment caused to the party by Zuma. 

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