Metro cops help homeless woman give birth at Durban park

Metro cops help homeless woman give birth at Durban park

Two Metro Police officers have helped a homeless woman deliver a baby at a park in Durban. 

Metro police Durban homeless
Facebook: Steve Middleton

While dropping off some colleagues, the officers were called in to assist a woman in distress at Albert Park last night. 

Warm clothing, towels and blankets were brought in by concerned members of the public. 

Acting Captain Zama Msani says she needed some assistance and called in a close friend, Nomvula Denge, a staff nurse who helped deliver the baby girl.

'You cannot run away when a person is giving birth. You must be there cause they trust you. When they saw us, they called us. You may not be a nurse or trained, but you have to intervene." 

Both mum and baby were then transferred by ambulance to a Durban hospital.

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