MEC lifts suspension of Ladysmith taxi service

MEC lifts suspension of Ladysmith taxi service

Taxi operations have resumed in Ladysmith after Transport MEC Mxolisi Kaunda lifted the ban imposed on the Sizwe and Kliprivier associations. 

Taxis, taxi strike
Steve Bhengu

Kaunda halted the two associations' operations in December, following several cases of alleged taxi violence. 

The department's Mluleki Mtungwa says local operations are up and running again.

"As from today, the local taxi routes will be opened provided that there are no further conflicts arising in the area. Only the long taxi routes will remain closed until further notice. We have done this in the interest of the community which is still suffering from travelling long distances to town," he says.  

The suspension was initially meant to last six months but protests erupted with angry commuters saying they're struggling to find transport to and from work. Kaunda is set to meet with communities today.

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