Massive student march planned for Union Buildings

Massive student march planned for Union Buildings

Hundreds of students are expected to march on the Union Buildings in Pretoria to call for free tertiary education.

Wits students march_jacanews
Photo: Maryke Vermaak

The Tshwane Metro Police were informed of a possible Fees Must Fall march between 08:00 and 13:00, Senior Superintendent Isaac Mahamba said.

They were expected to start their walk from Church Square. About 3 000 students were expected to take part and most streets in the CBD would be affected.

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Motorists and residents were advised to “take extra precautionary measures”.

According to a Facebook event titled "Free Education March to Union Buildings", over 1 000 people were interested in the event, and over 700 had committed to attending. Pupils, students, workers, and community activists would take part.

Free Education March - Facebook group
Facebook screengrab

“We plan to hold a peaceful demonstration followed by a programme of activities which will be held once we get to the Union Buildings including music, games, performance art, drama, political schools and reading groups. Free Education for all Now!" it stated.

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