Malema urges communities to vote for change

Malema urges communities to vote for change

The Economic Freedom Fighters is urging communities to vote with their heads and not their hearts

Julius Malema
Samkele Maseko

The party's Julius Malema says people must not be swayed by food parcels and T-shirts in the run up to the August polls. 

Also read: EFF: The ANC has been shaken

Malema wrapped up a three day visit to KwaZulu-Natal yesterday by addressing supporters in Umlazi, south of Durban. 

He addressed a number of service delivery issues including decent housing, water and electricity.

"22 years into democracy and people still travel 10 kilometres to fetch water. 22 years into democracy and people still wake up at 5am to go and fetch wood so that they can make fire to prepare hot water for their children so that kids can go to school. Where is the dignity?'' he asked.

(File photo)

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