Malema announces Marshall Dlamini as EFF’s KZN premier candidate

Malema announces Marshall Dlamini as EFF’s KZN premier candidate

EFF leader Julius Malema has revealed the party's secretary-general, Marshall Dlamini, as its candidate for premier of KwaZulu-Natal. 


He also reiterated plans to appoint his deputy president, Floyd Shivambu, as minister of finance should the EFF win power after the May 29 general elections. 

Malema addressed thousands of supporters during the EFF's Tshela Thupa election rally at Peter Mokaba Stadium in Polokwane on Saturday.

"I come to you with a formidable and a reliable team of revolutionarists and professionals who are committed to change," said Malema. 

He vowed the EFF would appoint qualified and capable individuals, regardless of their political affiliation, into the government.

"I want to commit here that we will not hire people in the people's government who are politically affiliated only to the EFF. 

"Whether you are ANC, whether you are DA, whether you are EFF, you must still have the South African ID and have the qualifications, only then you will be employed in a position where you are suitable," said Malema.

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