Liquor associations welcome lack of booze restrictions

Liquor associations welcome lack of booze restrictions

Various liquor associations are breathing a sigh of relief. 

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Alcohol sales have been allowed to continue as normal under level two of the lockdown. 

President Cyril Ramaphosa on Sunday night introduced a slightly longer curfew that begins at 11pm, more restrictions for gatherings and a two-hour limit for funerals in an effort to minimise the spread of Covid-19.

READ: SA moved to level 2 - restaurants, bars, gyms hit hardest

The South African Liquor Brandowners Association says it was a good move by government to focus on restricting social gatherings. 

Lucky Ntimane, who's with the National Liquor Traders Council, is also pleased.

"We believe not placing any restrictions on the alcohol trade was the right decision by the government. 

“Our members have gone the extra mile to ensure full compliance with all the Covid-19 safety protocols and we remain committed to support the government in the fight against Covid-19.

“Allowing licensed businesses to continue operating reduces the opportunity for the illicit trade to flourish and allows the legal industry to ensure that alcohol is consumed in a responsible manner.”

READ: Ramaphosa: An additional 500,000 Pfizer vaccine doses have touched down in SA

The Beer Association of SA has welcomed the new measures saying they'll help keep people safe and also preserve the livelihoods of those in the industry. 

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