Lioness on the loose in the North West

Lioness on the loose in the North West

A lioness escaped while being transported in the North West on Wednesday morning. 


Provincial police spokesperson Aafje Botma says the owner was transporting the lioness from one game farm to another.

“The lioness escaped while in transit in a container on the back of a Ford Ranger Bakkie driving on the Beesdam road between Stella and Tlakgameng.”

Botma adds that the owner only noticed that the lioness had escaped, after he arrived at his destination in Tlakgameng.

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Meanwhile, spokesperson for the North West Department of Economic Development Environment Conservation and Tourism, Jerry Matebesi says two lions were being transported.

The other lion was still in the enclosure when the farmer reached his destination.

“The rescue mission that involves a chopper has since started. The communities around Stella and Tlakgameng are alerted to not attempt to catch the lion instead, they should call the department on 018 388 1000 or 072 333 0325 or call the nearest police station.”

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