Lifting ban on rhino horn trade poses new danger: Wessa

Lifting ban on rhino horn trade poses new danger: Wessa

The Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa says lifting the ban on rhino horn trade poses a new element of concern. 

Shaun Ryan

Government announced this week the lifting of a  ban on rhino horn trade within the country. 

This means that rhino horns can move between buyers and sellers locally provided they are licensed to do so. 

The society's Morgan Griffiths says while the move discourages international trade, it could also encourages poachers to seek new markets abroad.

"The other concern is that it will cause poachers to now go and poach more and hope that the international trade will be lifted at some point and then be a stipulation on its own. 

"It's not good for South Africa at all. But there is is still an element of danger for our rhino in this country," he said. 

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